As night gathers and the earth grows still,
— We lift our hearts to you in grateful trust.
O Trinity, most blessed light,
O unity of sovereign might,
As now the fiery sun departs,
Shed thou thy beams within our hearts.
To thee our morning song of praise,
To thee our evening prayer we raise;
Thee may our souls for evermore,
In lowly reverence adore.
All praise to God the Father be,
All praise, eternal son, to thee,
Whom with the spirit we adore,
Forever and forever more.
O Lord of forgiveness and mercy, at the close of this day remind me of the love you have shown to me. You have visited me in your word and in your people. How have I loved you or failed to love you in return?
Micah 6:8
God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
My God, I am yours for time and eternity.
Teach me to trust in your providence.
You are a God of love and tenderness.
I put my faith in you.
Holy Cyprian, Sorcerer, Saint, Martyr, and Mage,
Bless my efforts to follow you on your path,
Answer the resolve of my devotion with success in all that I do.
Remove all spells worked against me, and bonds placed upon me,
Make level the path before me, and clear every obstacle in my way,
Guide me through the realms of dream; show me what I need to see, and grant your aid to remember when I wake.
O God, visit this dwelling and surround us in safety. Let no evil harm us or fear rob us of restful slumber. May your angels guard us in peace until the dawn when we will rise to proclaim your praise. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Peace be to this house.
Peace be to this land.
Peace be to all the peoples of the earth.